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Grandilar, also known as the Stormlands, is a world gripped in chaotic storms of magic.

Dragon storms and necromancers corrupt the terrain. In a warped forest, twisted trees shroud the trails in shadow, and the wind howls like a mad thing laughing. Necromancers summon the restless dead, while storms warp the world itself. These tempests of wild magic can ruin crops, level buildings and cause the tox, a horrible disease that twists both body and soul.

Most stormlanders live like medieval peasants. A few of them are educated, while most live in isolated farming villages. But stormlanders respect magic, in particular od, the force of pure magic used by wizards, witches and shamans to heal and protect. They fear warp, the corrupt magic used by necromancers, that can blight a land, poisoning the water, tainting the soil. Warp can twist living things into warpspawn - insane monstrosities that destroy for pleasure.

Their hard lives have made stormlanders superstitious, fearful, and resigned to their fate. THey take consolation in the worship of Elethay, goddess of the earth. Only elders talk about Valarian Champions, legendary heroes that will save the people from the dragon storms.

Many dwarves in Grandilar ally themselves with necromancers. They mistrust shape shifters and hate dragons, having warred with them for centuries.

Late in the Storm Age, mentors started recruiting shape shifters as Valarian champions: warriors dedicated to the destruction of Warp and the death of all necromancers. When caught in the open by a dragonstorm, some young adults transform into shapeshifters. Elves become unicorns who can heal with a touch of their horn. Dwarves become gargoyles who can reach through solid stone. Some humans become werewolves, who fight with a terrifying fury. And other humans become dragons, capable of knocking foes unconscious with just a glance. These are the Lords of Change, shapeshifters sworn to destroy the storms.

No one understands the change, but many fear the shapeshifters and their powers. Yet the necromancers are more frightening, for they hunt the shapeshifters. Necromancers can drain the magic from a captured shapeshifter,

The stormlands is the setting for the Dragonstorm CCG/RPG.

Countries and Realms of Grandilar
