GameLore Wiki

Glugs are a variant species of humanity. According to them, they were the original humankind who had created a world-spanning civilization that lived in harmony with nature and that offered peace to all citizens millienia ago. This utopia, however, was destroyed by the Eight Evil Sages. These evil scientists created a mutant strain of human, a bestial strain that enjoyed violence and conquest, and that instinctively sought to follow powerful leaders. The scientists also created the Pharaohs to command these mutants. The Eight Evil Sages, however, were destroyed, ending their plan for world dominion, but the profligate mutants soon overran human civilization and set up their own cultures. That mutant race is the race that currently dominates the earth and thinks of itself as “human.”

The distinguishing feature for a glug is a slight ridge or crest that starts at the hairline above the forehead and goes to the back of the skull. In addition, glugs tend to have bulging eyes and body odor that can be taken as disgusting or interesting, depending on the smeller. Glugs are hardier than “normal” humans, and their taste in food runs to the bitter and putrid. They apparently have a different sense of taste and smell. They also see better in the dark.

In addition, their mental makeup is somewhat different, and they are not as easily duped by controlling forces as humans. In addition, they are not affected by psychic and magical forces that can plague humans. They also lack humans' natural aggression.

Only a precious few glugs remain, and Al Amarja is home to one of the few remaining pockets of glugs.
