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The realm of Hecate, a forbidding goddess of magic, is a foggy, chilly, desolate place where even those who possess infallible senses of direction quickly become lost. Anyone entering Aeaea is quickly enveloped in a soupy shroud of fog that renders the rest of Baator invisible.

Travelers through Aeaea risk bumping into one of the thousands of strange, sculptural devices littering the realm. Blinking with eerie, infernal light, they clank and howl, executing movements of obscure purpose. Hecate’s clerics claim that these devices generate all the multiverse’s magical energy, and that if they were somehow shut down, all spells and magic items everywhere would cease to operate. What is certain is that Hecate’s fiendish servants feed souls to these machines, which convert them into divine and sorcerous energy for her use and the use of her minions.

Hecate and her clerics manufacture evil magic items here, then trade them to the baatezu for souls to power their occult machinery. The devices also consume other entities, including extraplanar beings and mortals. When supplies run short, the lowliest of Hecate’s fiendish servants are fed to the machines as well.
